New, used, or refurbished iPad

I am thinking of buying a new iPad or gently used one. My current phone is a 64GB model and I’ve barely used half of the storage, so I think a 64GB iPad would do it. But I don’t know about cellular. What are your thoughts?

I love the recent iPad Air models, and while I might enjoy a Pro that much more, I know my personal productivity wouldn’t benefit that much from the extra performance. The iPad minis are also super sleek and totable. (Might even be some new ones coming soon!)

I have found that, because of better cameras that inspire more photography, and more available media to enjoy, its really a good idea for most people to spring for at least 128GB. (I prefer 256GB so I don’t ever have to worry about it.) That said, I see your screenshot, so perhaps you’d do fine with 64GB. If you at all suspect your needs might increase, get the bigger size.

Since the phones have personal hotspots, I no longer keep a cellular account for my iPad. And I keep them long enough that the slightly higher resale value of the cellular-enabled models is great enough to justify the personal cost. If you’re that mobile and need the Internet always on at a moment’s notice, get the cellular, otherwise skip it.

And I’m alllll about buying refurbished devices as long as they are under warranty. Also used ones, for sure, from a site with buyer protections like eBay or my new fave, Mercari. Just be very clear about the model and specs you’re getting. Listers might be misleading or just mistaken.

Author: jjmarcus

Apple Specialist, Mac Whisperer, Cloud Wrangler - Your Remote CTO

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